So my first attempt at blogging didn't go so well, but I am back to try again. I am still not sure who is going to read this, but we'll see how it goes. If nothing else, I can post pics for family and friends :) I am still rebelling against facebook, so I guess this is my attempt at keeping up with everyone.
This has been such a fun year for us. The kids love their preschool (and mommy enjoys the break). Luke will start kindergarten next year and he is still my sweetie pie, rambunctious boy. Tinsley's vocabulary amazes us everyday. The personality on this one is going to get us in trouble and she is not even two yet. I still enjoy running and have gotten more involved with my Junior Auxiliary group. Rob has gotten into running more and we love our church home. Rob and I teach a Sunday School class of 3 year olds :)
Here are some photos from the last few months...